Import contacts from ATX

Security - iFirm Network; Contacts - View, Add and Edit Contacts

If you use ATX, you can export your contacts from last year's program and import them into CCH iFirm. Once your contacts are in CCH iFirm, ATX and CCH iFirm will sync contact information when a tax return is opened or closed.

ATX requires an SSN or EIN to sync with CCH iFirm's contact database. If you create contacts in CCH iFirm, be sure to enter the SSN or EIN before importing into ATX. If you create an ATX return for a CCH iFirm contact that does not have an assigned SSN or EIN, the system assumes that this is a "new contact" and a duplicate contact is created in CCH iFirm.

Configure the tax integration

The CCH iFirm preference section on the Return Manager Preferences tab in ATX, opens the line of communication between the CCH iFirm and ATX applications and enables data to be shared.

To set up ATX to share data with CCH iFirm, do the following:

  1. Click the Preferences button on the toolbar; then click the Return Manager Preferences tab.
  2. In the CCH iFirm section, enter your CCH iFirm website address; then, Enter or Tab off the box to enable the Sign into iFirm button.
  3. Click Sign into iFirm.
  4. Enter your CCH iFirm username and password and click Login. The Sign in with iFirm displays an acknowledgement asking if you want to allow access to CCH iFirm from ATX.
  5. Click Yes to allow you CCH iFirm user account to sync with ATX.
  6. Click Apply to save the change; then click OK to close the Preferences dialog box.

Export contacts from ATX

To export your contact information to CCH iFirm, use the following steps:

  1. Click the Rollover Manager tab.
  2. Click the CCH iFirm menu, and click Export Contact to iFirm.
  3. Click Export to CCH iFirm.

If the SSN or TIN already exists in CCH iFirm, ATX will skip the return and proceed to the next return.

Check the imported data in CCH iFirm

To ensure that your data has been imported correctly, we recommend you run and print a custom Contact Details report in CCH iFirm and check the contact details in this report against the contact details in ATX.

See Also:

Import contacts from Client Accounting Suite

Import contacts from TaxWise

Import contacts from another system

Import contacts from QuickBooks Online

Manually add a contact

Edit contact details

Search your contacts database